Pastor Mark's Weekly Blog, Uncategorized

The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats

Blog banner with the image of a highway and the word: "Journey" for the study of the Book of Matthew.
Welcome to my friend and ministry partner Eric Snyder from Hillcrest Church in Denver.  Eric and I have been spending regular time together as part of his transition into the Christian Reformed Church from another denomination.  Eric completes his educational and practical training for ordination this spring.  Eric has a ministry degree from Dallas Theological Seminary and has pastored previously in Cheyenne, WY before coming to Hillcrest. Eric is married to Radha, and they have two children, Lily (9) and Ben (7).

Eric and I will be trading churches this Sunday.  Eric is continuing our series in passion week texts from Matthew 25:31-46 by focusing on the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats.  While I will be continuing his series in Luke in chapter 19/20, Jesus interactions with the Rich Young Ruler and Zacchaeus.

Welcome Eric!  Eric will also be available following the service for a time of download discussion.  For preparation for Sunday, read the text from Matthew on the Sheep and the Goats and also Romans 8:14-17 and reflect on this question: Is life in Christ more about avoiding and rising above our own suffering and the suffering of others or is it more about entering into our own suffering and the suffering of others?

Reminder: This weekend we ‘spring forward’ in our time change!  I’m ready for the longer lighter evenings!

Pastor Mark