Pastor Mark's Weekly Podcasts

2024-03-03: Pastor Mark Quist – Gospel of John: Authority – Death to Life (Believe ‘into’ Jesus), John 5:16-30, 11:1-44, 20:30-31

This Sunday is week 4 of 4 on Jesus’ demonstration of authority beyond any doubt that he is the Messiah. Yet, Jesus surprises his followers, including his disciples, by his authority over sin, death, and hell.  We have already heard Jesus speak words to others, “Your sins are forgiven.”  This causes quite a stir.  Who has that kind of authority? (Jesus)  And then in chapter 11 of John, Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead!  Hmmm… who has authority to do that?  (Jesus)  And it would seem, that by way of his commanding of demons combined with his raising the dead and forgiving sins that Jesus has authority over hell… That’s a yes.  Certainly, we will see this to be true after his death and resurrection, yet, he is demonstrating it during his ministry.