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The Only Comfort and Three Things I Must Know

New Message Series: Feasting on the Heidelberger!

Only Comfort and Three Things I Must Know

Lord’s Day (LD) 1

Today, in our society, there seems to be much free floating anxiety.  In general, people seem to be more angry and frustrated with life and with one another.  Combine this with the fact that people are more disconnected from one another than at any time in recent history and many people lack a grounding worldview in their lives that can ‘make sense’ of their reality and you have a recipe for all kinds of negative outcomes. 

As human beings, we each have a deep need for a grounding worldview for living life well.  A grounding worldview gives us purpose – reducing our anxiety, guiding our behavior, and connecting us with others. 

Do you have a worldview that makes sense of the reality in which you live and guides how you live on a daily basis?

If you do, what are the guiding principles and beliefs that determine it?  If you do not, you need one.  

The Heidelberg Catechism functions like a guiding worldview that makes sense of the reality of God’s world and helps us find our purpose and place in it.  It takes the truth of God’s Word and organizes the guiding principles of the Christian faith, painting a worldview that makes sense of our reality.  

The Heidelberg Catechism was formed during a tumultuous time in history, the 16th century.  The passions of the early Protestant Reformation led by Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Ulrich Zwingli were in full swing.  Certain practices and teachings of the prominent Roman Catholic Church were being protested at a ‘fever pitch.’  This caused much anxiety, frustration, anger, etc.  But that’s not all, the fledgling Protestant faith was already splintered into several different factions.  And often, out of specific events or struggles in the church and society, confessions of faith emerge.  The Heidelberg Catechism was formed in such a context.  Confessions, creeds and catechisms attempt to identify and solidify what really matters in living life well.  They become a source of strength and encouragement, and provide a sense of purpose, calling, and belonging.

As we dive into this faith shaping Biblical worldview document, it is my prayer that it brings about a unity of purpose, reduces life’s anxieties, brings about connection in community, and provides answers to life’s biggest and most important questions: What holds life together?  How do we know God?  What is expected of a life well lived?  And what will relieve us of our anxieties? 

We begin Sunday with the opening of the catechism with Q&A#1: What is your only comfort in life and in death?  I’d like to know the answer to that!  See you Sunday!  

Pastoring by the grace of God,