Pastor Mark's Weekly Blog, Uncategorized

Psalm 13: Lament

What are we to do when it seems like our Covenant Partner (God) seems or feels distant or abandoned us?  This seems to be a common human experience.  Each one of us has had our pits of doubt, anger, frustration, sadness, in the midst of some troubling human experience.  What are we to do with that?  How should we lament?  Is there a right or wrong way?  What’s allowed?  What’s not?  Hmmm….   
It doesn’t take far into the Psalms to find a song of deep and gut wrenching lament.  Some of us may have been raised with such a high reverence for God that we aren’t even to question God or question our suffering.  Others may be a bit too casual and have no problem slandering God if we feel justified in our anger and heartache.  What is the right response?  Somewhere in between?  Is it all OK?  

Psalm 13 gives us a window into the Hebrew worldview of suffering that seeks to hold faith, doubt, and a dynamic/real relationship with God together.  It is very instructive and spiritually shaping.  

In reading Psalm 13, you may notice a structure/pattern to it.  The Psalmist begins in a pointed way in verses 1-2.  What is it?  Then transitions in verse 3-4 to another tactic.  What is it?  And finally, comes around to finish with another approach to God in verse 5-6.  What is it?  

What does this Psalm give us permission to do (vs.1-4)?  And what also does it call us to do (vs.5-6)?  Not only can we engage in lament with God individually, we can also lament with God on behalf of others.  What is it that you lament over for yourself?  On behalf of others? 

See you Sunday,
Pastor Mark