World Renew United States

World Renew has been working in the United States since 1962. Today, World Renew’s purpose in the United States is to engage Christians, churches and Christian community organizations in wholistic, long-term, and structural responses to poverty. The goal is that people – regardless of economic status – will work together to transform their communities.

World Renew focuses on three Ecumenical areas for response: Community Development, Disaster Relief and Refugee Advocacy and Resettlement.

More more in-depth reading, visit the World Renew website.

Crestview Church and World Renew.

van-andelJoe and Muffie VanAndel, members of Crestview Church, Boulder, worked with World Renew/Disaster Response Services (DRS) in San Marcos, Texas for 3 weeks in late November/early December, 2016. They worked on repairing and reconstructing homes that were flooded in 2015. The work included installing laminate flooring, painting, installing door & window trim, baseboards, insulation and drywall. The work was physically challenging, but very rewarding. Muffie and Joe definitely plan on volunteering again with DRS.

Slide show of Joe and Muffie’s most recent WRDRS trip to San Marcos, TX in 2016

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