Worship for Sunday June 28th, 2020:

Step One: Worship the Lord

Song: “All Who Are Thirsty” – Brenton Brown

Prayer of Worship:

Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

you have adopted us as your children,

you lavish your grace upon us at Word and table.

May all we do here equip us for ministry,

build us up as the body of Christ,

strengthen our unity in faith,

deepen our knowledge of Jesus, our Lord,

and help us to grow into maturity as your children,

reflecting the full stature of Christ.


Song: “How Great Thou Art”

            This song is a chance for reflection on God and creation. Jeff recorded this song in the church on Thursday morning. You can “hear the birds” chirping outside the windows.


God of faith you have called us to be a new community with Jesus as our cornerstone.

            Reconcile us O God by your cross.

God of hope you have given us forgiveness of sin – liberate those is despair.

            Reconcile us O God by your cross.

God of love unite us in the greatness of your love so that we are no longer divided by the littleness of our own love.

            Reconcile us O God by your cross. 

Step Two: Special Offering for the month of May: En Gedi   How can you support En Gedi with Margaret Njuguna in its ministry?  Please send this month’s special offering to Crestview Church and designate special giving for En Gedi in memo.  Read more about the En-Gedi Children’s Home here.

Step Three: Engage the Message: Message: Live Wide Awake: Seen, by Adie Johnson

Part 1: (11min)  VIDEO 1
Part 2: (15min)  VIDEO 2

Question for discussion: 

  • What struck you most in this message?  What does it lead you to consider and do?

Step Four: Responding to God’s Word

Song: Revelation Song 


‘The Lord bless you and keep you’ and may His Kingdom Come in all its fullness in and through you and despite you!


Special Offering for month of June: En Gedi