Pastor Mark's Weekly Blog, Uncategorized

The Holy Spirit’s nature and role … the antidote to long-distance relationship with God

Welcome Paul Holmberg!  This Sunday while many men are on retreat in Moab Utah, Paul steps in to continue our series on the Holy Spirit.  We are at a critical point in God’s story where Jesus has ascended into heaven and the disciples are waiting for the promised Holy Spirit.  The conversations between the disciples in the days between Jesus ascension into heaven and the sending of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost must have been fascinating.

I believe they would be talking much among themselves about why Jesus must leave them and send another (Holy Spirit).  Paul will take a look back at Jesus words about his leaving and remind us why it had to be this way (The Book of John, Chapter 12 and 14).  At least a couple of reasons why.

Thank you Paul for stepping in and opening up God’s word for us.  Another reminder, this is Nzambi and Jumoke’s last Sunday with us in worship as they will soon be returning to their home countries of Kenya and Nigeria.  Give them a warm hug and bless them on their way!

On another note, the timing of the men’s retreat in Moab couldn’t have come at a better time.  Over the past couple of weeks my spirit has felt dry and in need of some rejuvenation.  Looks like 80 degree sunny days in Moab.  Nothing like miles of single track on an MTB with friends in one of the most God glorifying landscapes on planet earth to bring one’s soul back into focus.

See you on the other side,

Pastor Mark


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